Art GalleryThe Spheres Virtual Art Gallery is dedicated mainly to photography and visual arts. At request, a guest room can be opened for one-month shows. Braindeath should not be an option, come in. The Guest Gallery features Ramiro Tapia this month, a visual artist currently residing in Spain. Ramiro Tapia's work spans over six decades of mythical inner labyrinths and magical galactic towers. Explored thorugh an esoteric eye, his work leads towards a world of lyrical metaphysics, impossible architecture and fantastic botany. Visit the guest gallery here. An interview with the artist is included in the current issue of N-Sphere.
InsideThe Spheres Graphic Design team: what we did and what we can do. Latest release Kiew :: Melancholie video. News section included.
N-Sphere Art MagazineA monthly magazine featuring visual arts in various forms, from the old to the new, from the camera to the needle point. Gradually expanding to form its own galaxy, the N-Sphere includes an interconnected section with the music world. Main features for the May 2012 issue are: The 13 Moons of Petra von Kant, Mateusz Odrobny, Flyn Vibert, Conegliano's La Città Murata, Gustave Doré. Full view here. The editorial team is currently recruiting new staff.
OutsideContact, links and free spheres paraphernalia.
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Warning. The galleries may contain art that is not suitable for children and other impressionable minds. By accessing the guest gallery and downloading the issue of N-Sphere, you are confirming that you are of legal age in your country. |